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Liberal Democrats field 235 candidates in the East Midlands

by admin on 9 April, 2013

235 Liberal Democrats have been nominated to stand in the County Council Elections on May 2 2013 in the East Midlands.

Liberal Democrat Leader and Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg has launched the Liberal Democrat 2013 local election campaign. In his speech, he set out how Liberal Democrats have the right priorities in tough times.

For example, Liberal Democrat-controlled local authorities protect the services people value most and last year, no Liberal Democrat-led council closed any libraries.

This is in contrast to Labour and the Conservatives’ record in local government. For example in Leicestershire, the former Conservative Council Leader spent £210,000 on his own personal chauffeur.

The Labour council in Derby are choosing to spend residents’ money on emotive street posters passing all the blame for their cuts on to the Coalition Government, costing thousands of pounds – while at the same time they’re looking to make drastic cuts to homelessness services.

It shows that, even when millions of families are feeling the pinch, they’ll both squander taxpayers’ money on waste, inefficiency and their own vanity projects.

Liberal Democrats in East Midlands know how to choose the right priorities for people here. We are working hard to build a stronger economy in a fairer society, enabling everyone to get on in life.

That is why a vote for the Liberal Democrats in these elections is a vote for a better East Midlands.

It is a clear choice on 2 May: a choice for Liberal Democrats who understand the priorities of East Midlands or a vote for a party that has been wasting taxpayers’ money.

Details of all Liberal Democrat Candidates and the manifestos in the individual counties can be found under “County Council Elections – May 2013” or downloaded at the links below:






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