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Storm in a teacup? – Have your say on the Tories’ £2,000 corporate teabags.

by admin on 31 July, 2010

The County Council wasting money on Teabags and Mugs, Sensible?
Conservative County Councillors are spending £2,000 of your money on corporate teabags for staff, plugging the authority’s ‘low carbon mission’.

Given the Council’s poor record on sound financial management, we want to know what you think. Vote in our online poll and have your voice heard.

Scott Collins, Parliamentary Spokesman for South Northants said “This is an utter disgrace. How can any reasonable person think spending £2000 plus on teabags and cups at a time the council cutting costs and laying off staff? This is nothing more than a overpriced ego trip for the councillors.”

“Given that the council has not signed up to commitments like the 10:10 project aimed at cutting carbon emissions it is ridiculous to waste taxpayers money which would be better spent on services that matter not trinkets and gimmicks”

To read the Chron’s coverage of the debacle, click on the following link:

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